Here’s what I wish for 2022:
• The pandemic ends before 2023. More Americans get their jabs and vaccines become widely available to the poorest around the world.
• The 1/6 Committee pours overwhelming loads of sunshine on the dirty details of the Insurrection and the world to see. Perpetrators (from top to bottom) are held accountable and go down in flames…raked over the coals by the public and held in contempt for generations to come.
• SCOTUS (the Supreme Court of the United States) does NOT overturn Roe v. Wade.
• Extremist right-wing candidates for every government office from the local to federal level so badly scare the living daylights out of voters (and hopefully, some of their own party) that they lose spectacularly in the 2022 midterm elections – especially if they are endorsed by a certain former president.
• Much of America becomes completely disgusted with the Big Lie, regardless of political stripe.
• Democrats find their spine and move aggressively forward on President Biden’s agenda (voting rights acts, Build Back Better, pandemic relief, etc).
Is that too much to wish for?
If I sit here long enough, I’m sure I can think of many more wishes! But there’s a start. We need more sunshine…A LOT more.
Here’s to a happy, healthy, peaceful 2022!